Friday, November 2, 2007


I dont know why the darker aspect of life always seem to get my creative juices flowing.. I have been shooting stuff lately that didnt really inspire me but was fun to shoot because of WHO I was shooting it with.. Then I decided to shoot something that would inspire me no matter who I was shooting it with..

After being sick and watching way too many CSI reruns on USA network, I felt like I wanted to capture that same feeling in some new pictures..

It made me remember why I used to luv being in photography classes because each week there was something different we had to come up with and find people or things to shoot in order to realize our vision.

My professor would require us to have something beyond the superficial to offer, something deeper than a pretty picture or something done well technically..

So in planning this shoot I tried to think about evidence trails and what would help to lead the investigator back to the killer.. So there were little cues and clues left around to help tell the story..


1 comment:

Linda's Fantasies said...

Love your photography. It is so peaceful and sensuous.

A beautiful woman laying dead in the woods says something important about life.